Sunday, January 31, 2010


Last Thursday my parents took Jessica and I to Evansville to see Avatar at the IMAX in 3D. It was one of the most incredible movies I've ever seen. It wasn't just a movie, it was an experience. It is easy to understand how it cost so much time and money to creat the film, and it was worth it. The colors popped out and blended together beautifully, and the story flowed smoothly. It was exciting to watch. The IMAX does 3D well. In the previews they showed Alice in Wonderland and the Chesire Cat looked so great like he was in arms length and you could pet him. You could see every sing hair opn his big floating head. Even more amazing was IMAX HUBBLE. Using the most state of the art imax 3d camaras, it was the most amazing and high definition pictures I have ever seen and it was all in 3d. Hopefully I wil be able to convience my parents that we need to go see it when it comes out.

Punk Rock

My definition of Punk Rock includes bands like Blink 182, Green Day, Sum 41, and early Good Charlotte. This is the music that is upbeat, best played loud, and energetic. Everytime I listen to it it energizes and inspires me. It makes me think of that perfect day at home during the spring when I've just broke out my shorts and put up the jeans. The day when I've been in such a good mood and finished all my chores by 11 or 12 and am ready to grab my instrument and rock out or go and do some great and fun thing with my friends.

Lately I've been going through a big punk phase especially with the discovery of Good Charlottes early stuff like The Little Things and Waldorf Worldwide. This is the kind of music I want to be up on stage playing. It is definitly the genre that defines me. I love alternative rock and metal and bipolar art rock, but punk is the best.

Funny thing is, most punk songs and bands are much more....anarchists than I am. Green Day and Sum 41 have a lot of songs going against the government and religion, but I'm the good kid who stays inside the lines and started going to church twice a week. Guess thats why some of my favorite songs are the ones that just deal with life and having fun like Motivation Proclaimation by Good Charlotte and Fat Lip by Sum 41.

"Listen up now cuz it ain't nothin funny,
I want a hot girl and a little bit of monney,
I want a little house were my band can live
cuz we're tired of moving every other weekend
I want to go to parties where they got no guns
I want to rock with my band, want to have a little fun
We're thugs and punks and any other type can sing this song
and we'll sing it all night.

Waldorf Worldwide - Good Charlotte


After the concert on Friday night, we went outside to find a good inch of snow already on the ground. It was a good thing we didn't drive because by the time we got back to my house there was 3 inches on the ground. Logan had to go home but Jess, Timmy and Cam stayed the night. We watched Paranormal Activity and made smores. We also tried to watch some Lost but I kept falling asleep so at 3:30 we called it a night. Timmy stayed up watching TV of coarse until 5:30, but thats just him. My parents made breakfast the next morning and we watched another movie called Perfume and hung out until everyone had to go back home. It was a lot of fun and I really want to have a good party sometime now. One with music and energy drinks and games that starts earlier than midnight so that I can stay up.

The Concert

A few days ago was the big day. Afterschool Friday we all set out for Evansville to see a great show. There was a threat of snow so we had my parents drive us there and back which ment all 5 of us had to squeeze into the back seat, but it was worth it. Thow was incredible. Jessica even enjoyed the Flyleaf show and she doesn't like the band very much. Live music has such a great energy to it, even if you don't know a song, watching it live is incredible. I also loved looking at all of the equipment; the size of the drumsets, the guitar brands, and all the different lights and movie effects the bands used. Breaking Benjamin had an impressive show, and I really liked how he could sing live just like he does on the album.

Three Days Grace was the headlining band so naturally they had the best show with the best sound. After the drum solo they started a song with the singer on the other side of the arena and he walked through the floor back to the stage. It was a great night. We all can't wait to start going to see more concerts soon. Skillet is comming by in March, but I'm afraid that the floor seats might have sold out, so we will have to see.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Music Videos

Lately I've had a bit of an obsession with music videos. In some of my spare time I have been downloading all kinds of great videos. Its started to open me up to more bands or bands I havn't listened to in a while and have more respect for them. Some of them are funny like "In To Deep by Sum 41" or "Learn to Fly by Foo Fighters" and others have a serious point or story in them like "Prayer of the Refugee by Rise Against" or "Into the Ocean by Blue October".

I like watching for small things musicians like such as a guitar that I like alot or a really cool solo (sieze the day by A7X)and the general enjoyment that the bands have ensured the video to give the audience. It hypes me up sometimes and makes me want to go make a song so I can make an awsome video for it.

Can't Wait for Spring

I'm ready for the warm weather again. I am definitly and shirt and shorts kinda guy, and I can't wait for the day when I get to drive fast down country roads on the way to Panther Creek Park with the windows down and some great Punk music or summer sounding stuff playing loud. I'm going to take Jessica on a great picnic day as soon as I can but I deffinitly can't do that in the snow they are predicting to come tomorrow.
I do somewhat hope for a snow day tomorrow just because I'd like the excuse to not get up in the morning and to be able to take care of some stuff that needs attention. However at the same time I'd like to graduate sooner rather than June, and if it snows then it becomes more difficult to go to the concert. If roads are not bad, then I will drive us up to Evansville, but otherwise we are all going to squeeze into the back of my Dad's truck and my parents will drive and just hang around town during the show. I'm still sycked no matter what happens. Afterwards we are camping out in my living room with smores and movies.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Current Events

It's been a while since I blogged so its time for an Things are going ok I guess, there are some good things and bad things going on. I've been running hard alot lately in life, ding from one thing to another with hardley a break, and still have a full schedule for the future with church and friends and school. I've been doing so much stuff, but I still feel that there are school things that I'm behind in such as my scholarships, math project, etc. Also Timmy failed a class in college and his parents grounded him for 6 weeks and are making him pay for the class out of his pocket.

However on a happier note Timmy and Cammille are finally going out. I'm really happy for them both. They became official on Camille's birthday over the weekend, and the next day we all hung out at the mall taking over 100 pictures in one night.

I've been accepted to UK, which should be a big accomplishment, but now I realize that the battle for college is still going on. I'm in but my parents stress about how to afford it because we are not likley to get much money from the FASFA, and they worry about how large the college is in general. They still are going to support me but it feels like I should be doing more, but I have so much going on its hard to find time to clean my room let alone plan for college.

Today I plan to stay home a bit though so I can catch up on some things, maybe watch a movie with my family, and finally play some guitar again. My fingers are itching for the strings.

Three Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin

Jan. 21 2010
17 month anniversary w/ Jessica.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Superstitions, whether for good or bad luck, usually have thier roots deep in some belief of something long ago, and some people believe in them with all their heart. My best friend Timmy swears that rubbing a bald man's head insures good luck, and does so every sunday at church, and claims to always have a good day on monday. The Macbeth curse seems to be a well believed and dangerous superstition. I do not know many superstitions myself other than black cats are bad, 4 leaf clovers and horse shoes are lucky, and "find a penny pick it up." I think that superstitions can be interesting, especially if you hear the story behind them, but don't hold on to them much personally.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Time for New Begennings...

I spent New Years Eve spraying silly string on the kids at Skates Alive while we dropped balloons on them. Good money for doing it, but not how I wanted to bring in the new year. I wish Jessica could have been there and we have a small party in her garage and wait to kiss at midnight. Maybe next year though. Even though I was at work I had to take a moment to think about what was really happening. My last full year living here was coming to an end. I'm a senior, which means I'm entering the last few months of high school, and not long afterwards will be moving, hopefully to Lexington and UK.

2009 was a pretty good year for the most part. I spent it with great friends, played some good music, and got to date an amazing girl. I was layed off of work over summer and lived off of $20 a week from Papa for cutting grass until I was rehired. I ended my Junior year and embarked on my final leg of school here at Apollo.

I spent most of my time away from home, usually at Jessica's house or somewhere else, and stated feeling kinda bad for never being around the house. Its one thing I hope to fix in the new year before graduation hits. I've been trying to fix that with taco mondays and soon will be adding another day for Lost and/or board games at home, and try to have more band practices.

Speaking of which, bands have tossed and turned a bit. I quite one band and quickly formed another. A month or so later we finally got the chance to start practices. We played a gig in Tennessee without our drummer and things did not go so well for that show, but it was still a blast. After that a periode of no practices, and recently and explosion of attempting to learn new songs. Timmy and I have been very successfull, but everyone else works more hours than us and its hard to have full practices. We will have that worked out before long though. Another thing to look at fixing for the new year.

I decided what i'm going to do with my life this year. After some tweeking to the plan, I've decided to go to UK and take part in the Air Force ROTC while studying there. Once I graduate I will join the Air Force, haveing experience at college level ROTC to give me better rank and pay early on, and a better chance at whichever job I decide to aim for in the military.

Its been a big year, and hopefully will build up a strong platform for an even better New Year.

Back to School

I'm tired, but not as tired as I expected considering only 2 days ago I was staying up till 1:00 AM and waking up at 9-10:00. Over the break Jessica went to Michigan, which meant 2 weeks of not being with someone I've spent almost everyday with for over one year. She didn't really want to go because it was so cold up there and the kids were rowdy, but her dad let me borrow a phone with txting on it so the two of us could more easily keep in touch without running up a huge phone bill.

To pass the time, Timmy and I hung out most of the time, and played a lot of guitar. Together we learned at least 5 more songs for the band, and started preparing to help camille's transition as our new singer more smooth once she can make practices. I also worked more often because Skates Alive had matinee sessions and a late night skate on New Years that lasted till 12:30 in the morning plus cleanup time. At least I can expect a good paycheck this week. And I'll definetly need it. At the end of the month Timmy and I are taking Jessica and Camille to see Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace and Flyleaf in concert. Tickets ended up being close to $50 each, and I'm paying for Jessica's and mine, so I need to pay that off and save up more money for merchandise. I can't wait, it's gonna be awsome. We've been listening to more Breaking Benjamin to get ready, and they are a great band.

None the less it wasn't a bad break. I missed Jessica a lot, but had a good time with Timmy and a good haul on Christmas (new Line 6 pedal, 16GB mp3 player, and $50 in malco gift cards. Sherlock Holmes was a good movie. Saw it yesterday).