Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prom Problems

Prom is now about a week and a half away. Jess and I have only recently really started to buckle down to get ready for it. The reason for this was that Jess had a dress picked out and put on layaway, so her parents had to finish paying it off before she could pick it up for me to see so I could reserve a tux to match it. However there was a delay in this after her parents had to go to Pheonix for a weekend. Once she did manage to get her dress last weekend though, we immediatly started planning, and went to get my tux. We went to Savvi (where I got a tux last year and was very satisfied with the service), but were disapointed to find that they were SOLD OUT of almost every tuxedo there, and the only options for me were terrible. We ended up going down Frederica to Harold's to rent a satisfactory tux. I also ordered a pair of blue converse shoes to match her dress that I will wear to add just a little element of punk to it all.

Next on the list is how are we going to afford tickets and dinner and afterparty supplies, as well as where are we going it eat, who is going to be in our prom group, etc. The initial plan was that we would go in a group with Timmy and Cam, and possibly Michael and Aryanne if things played out right. However, we are still upset with Timmy, and not sure whether we want to put being so mad at him on hold or reward him with such a fun time, and Michael and Aryanne are almost constantly on the rocks. I thought that the two of them were finally going to be ok after they seemed to finally get the drama with Joy out of the way, but now things are just as bad as before because of her ex's causing trouble now. I just have to hope that someone will finally realize that EVERYONE is acting crazy and do something about it. Sometimes it feels like I'm one of the only sane people left around, and then that is enough to drive anyone insane.

Well, my preperations are at least almost done. I still need to buy some flowers for Jess and I, and I think I'll do something with my hair, but I don't know what yet. Other than that Jess still needs to buy some accessories, and we need to decide exactly what we will do for our afterprom extravaganza. Last year we had an energy drink party with Logan and Allison at Jessica's house. We bought a ton of energy drinks like Amp and Nos and dumped them into a shot machine that worked like a gas pump, and drank them all night long while watching Sweeny Todd. It was actually a blast.

It seems that all we need to do now is figure out how we are going to afford everything (hopefully a few extra chores will put my parents in a sympathetic mood) and who is going with us. If we end up alone because no one can pull it together, we will stay home and either have my Mom cook for us or cook something ourselves, and maybe hang out with Logan for a while afterwards, but it really isn't going to be such a fun night without a group of friends with us.

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