Friday, April 16, 2010

ACT part 3

I took the ACT for the third time on the Saturday before Sping Break was over. Who had the bright idea to put one of the most important tests of a high school student's life on that particular Saturday I'll never know, but I did not study at all. All week long I kept talking about how I needed to break out the packet and go over it, but on the day before the test I suddenly realized I hadn't prepared at all. Not only that but Skates Alive decided to have a late night skate that lasted until midnight! Before I realized that the test was the next day I made plans to spend the night at Timmy's, and didn't back down from it. I went over after the late skate and got ready for bed soon after. However for some reason I could not fall asleep. I was tired, but couldn't rest. It was after 4:00 am before I finally fell asleep (probly closer to after 5:00) and I had to wake up early to go pick up Jess, get breakfast, drop her off at her testing center, and make it to OCTC in time to take mine. It was disasterous.

However, once I got there and started on the first test, I was fine. I was still a little tired, but I made it through all of the questions without to much difficulty, and I feel like I did very well. The reading and science parts were brutal because I have never heard of most of the things the science test talks about and I am a slow reader, but overall I fell I did well. We will have to wait and see in a few weeks to find out just how much sleep a teenager needs in a night to succeed the next day.

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