Friday, April 16, 2010

Lack of Friends.

On Wednesday I agreed to drive out to Hawsville to pick up Cam for Timmy and bring her to church, and drop her back off in Hawsville afterwords.. Timmy wricked his car going 5 miles per hour in a parking lot so he can no longer make the trip on his own until he gets a new car. However during the planning of the trip things started going sour. I have a 3 seat pickup truck, and refused to let him tagalong with Jess and I to get her because we coulndn't all fit legally. he was upset and kept trying to find loopholes, but ended up just making Jessica very mad in the end and gave up. On the way out there he kept txting us and bugging us with questions about where we were ans how much longer we would take when we had never even been out that far before and had no clue. He had asked me earlier to drop Cam off at his house before church and I told him I only would if there was enough time, but otherwise we were going to Jessica's to pick up something before church and would meet him at church after that. When I told him we didn't have time to go to his house and to just meet us at church he took it upon hiself to go wait at Jessica's house for who knows how long to take her himself with hardly any "hello" or "goodbye."

By now we were pretty peeved. He has been acting out alot latley, and been just plain disrespectful of everyone besides him and Cam. He has been having Cam pierce and gauge his ear for him after he was hired to work at Holiday World this summer (the new job is to be able to pay for rent when he moves out this summer) even though he knows that the company does not approve and if they find out will likely fire him. He asys he has a loop hole to allow him to do it, and refuses to listen to anyones claims who has worked there previously about how strict they are, and how likley he is to be fired for it.Aside from that he has been constantly striving for loops holes that are unlikley to work in his favor in just about everything. He shows no respect for anyone and just walks over them, expecting everyone to have no problem with his behavior, and be completely fine with being treaten so badly because they are friends. He has run away from home before, steals his brother's car often, only hangs out with us at my house to use the enternet to talk to Cam, sitting quietly in the corner for most of the time, he is unthankful of people who go out the way to do him favors, is generally rude to people, and keeps on proving himself to not care.

He is supposed to help Jessica pay rent this summer, but might be fired from his job for this. ALL OF HIS FRIENDS and those who care at all about him talk bad about him behind his back because of how he acts. When his brother told him about how everyone was talking about him at McDonalds on Wednesday night, he replied that he didn't care if everyone hated him, hes going to do what he wants anyway.

Some of us are starting to think that this change may have something to do with Camille. We all love hanging out with the both of them, and they are my closest friends, but things are changing. I like having just a small group of really close friends, and right now thats Timmy, Cam, Jess and me, but with everyone being so upset with Timmy, that kind of alienates Cam as well, and now I am at a sort of loss for people to look forward to hanging out with again. Sure I have other friends, but now I am hopeing to avoid my two best friends because I don't know what I'll do when I see them. When I checked my work schedual for the weekend I was hoping and praying not to work the same session as Timmy, and thankfully don't have to, but I can't just avoid him forever. He will try to IM me someday, or we will have to see each other at church, and I don't know how to respond.

I'm stressed about a lot of things right now about money, about prom, about the summer, about my job, about my relationship, and now I don't even have a best friend to know I can go relax with in my spare time. It seems like everytime I have a best friend they go and decide to do something stupid and I loose a friend. It has happened repeatedly now. I will make a best friend, hang out with them as much as possible, and they will start to change, take advantage of my willingnes to go out of my way to help them out of the mud late at night, and expect me to just go along with them being a total jerk. I'm getting tired of it.

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