Monday, March 8, 2010

Scared of Youth

**some language**

I'll tell anyone, I am truley afraid of the high school age group today. Everywhere I turn I see something that is sort of disturbing. I grew up living a sheltered life, but have been reaching out in recent years. Up until a year or so ago, I believed that high school drop outs only really existed on TV or in big cities, I had never seen a pregnant teenager, and thought that only a small handfull if any at all of teens in my town would ever even experiment with drugs. My eyes have opened over the past few years to an ugly truth. I understand I lived a sheltered life, and I am pretty excepting of a lot of stuff now, but it feels like there is a definet line that some people don't even see.

A few weeks ago in the lunch line I heard an underclassman girl carying a conversation like it was nothing with a friend. She spoke so casually, but said some of the most horrid and unbelievable things I've ever heard. It was such a bad conversation that I can't even repeat it where I know a teacher will read it, even with a language warning before hand. It took every ounce of my energy not to just turn around and yell "What is wrong with you?"

It's such a downward spiral in student's lives with grades, driving, drugs, sex, alcohol. I know people who have been involved with some bad things, but are still good people and understand that there should be a boundry, but some people just take it to far and never look back. I wonder if there is even anything that can be done to help.

They are so judgmental of everything they may not completely understand,and rude to even their own friends. Anyone who doesn't think that they are just the greatest thing is bitch or stupid hoe and undeserving of anything but critisizm. It truly makes me sick to my stomach sometimes but I don't know what to do about it but go on living my life in a way I feeland hope is right.

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