Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Jessica recently went to sell plasma at a donation center in town. It is pretty good money. If she donated 2 times a week then she almost makes as much as I do in a week working all weekend. The first time you donate takes about 3.5 hours because of all of the paperwork, and her blood sugar dropped below 100 at one point so she almost passed out, but they stopped taking her plasma at that point and paide her anyway, saying that it is common for something to happen your first time since its so new and you are a little nervous.

Timmy and I agreed to go with her yesterday during her second trip so that we could have our first trips. However, we arrived 10 minutes passed the time they stop taking new patients and we were turned away. Now we are waiting for Saturday and the three of us will return to try again with Camille. At least there will be a good support system for everyone this time. Hopefully it won't hurt too bad.

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