Monday, December 7, 2009

Rug Burn

It's been a while since I've blogged, and I'm falling behind, but I've done plenty to make up with it. I'll start off with something simple and light harted.

Last night was my church's youth Christmas party. It was actually mexican themed (with a pinata and tacos) because of the shoeboxes. They asked anyone willing to take an old shoebox and fill it with small presents for a child in Juareze Mexico as a Christmas present. I had to work so I gave Timmy and Camielle some money to go off before the party and fill up one of Timmy's size 15 boxes.

An unfortunate high point of the party was the pinata. I didn't get a chance to hit it, but when it busted, I was one of the ones to jump in for candy. I wanted a Reese's and a Kit-Kat. However, Logan thought it would be funny to grab my legs and drag me out from the mad scramble. Let me inform you that the carpet in the room has a lot of rough little fibers in it. The fibers held on to my shirt while my body was dragged, leaving what looked like sun burn all over my stomach that still stings if I touch it wrong. I later also found carpet burn on my wrist and right elbow. It was kinda painfull.

The party was still fun though. I didn't get a chance to hang out with the guys afterwards, but I needed to get home for some homework anyways.

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