Monday, December 7, 2009

We Were First.

Timmy decided that to celebrate Black Friday this year, he wanted to grab a few friends and go camp out somewhere and be the first one in the Target. He recruited his brother Nathan, Jessica and Me to go with him, and we all headed over to Target at 9:30 on Thanksgiving night without even having any ideas about what we wanted to buy once we got in. We talked abut buying a candy bar, and maybe seeing if they had any nice t-shirts, and I had been meaning to go buy a slinky for a while.

It wasn't until 11:00 until anyone else showed up in line, and even longer before you could really call it a line. It was cold. I was colder than I ever ended up during the ice storm last year. We had a small tent we all squeezed into with a few blankets and coats, and played some music off of Timmy's PSP.

About an hour before open, I was feeling sick I was so cold, but that was when the paper showed up and interviewed us. That was the inspiration to make the last leg of the night, and then

In the end we got the candy, I got a shirt and slinky, and picked up Jessica some stickers. By then the line to check out had lapped around the store literally to the electronics department. I didn't get home till almost 8:00 in the morning, and then slept before I had to go to work. It was a few days before I started to feel well again. I guess I don't do well with all nighters, but we were first.

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