Friday, November 6, 2009

Falling Behind

Lately it feels like I've been falling behind. In school, I've been putting off projects later than I should, and I know that its going to affect my grades before long if I'm not careful. I almost didn't get registered for the ACT as planned because I put off filling out that packet, and now I'm not testing with my friends.
I keep telling myself that soon I will find the time to clean out my truck, wash it, and put on a little wax (or at least clean the headlights), and then move in the pick up my room, but its been weeks since I started telling myself that.

Then theres College. I've finally decided what I want to do after high school as far as college and military goes, but sometimes when i look at jessica, I still feel far behind. She recieves at least 5 college papers in the mail each day, has started filling out applications, and has 5 colleges picked out to go too, and is reasearching which dorm to move in. I on the other hadn havn't even decided on a major, don't have any backup colleges to UK, and generally feel like theres something I should be doing that I'm not.

But, today is friday, and I'm gonna be optimistic. I don't have to worry about getting homework done and getting to bed early tonight, and I have the weekend ahead of me now. Hopefully I can use this weekend to get things together, hang out with Jessica, and maybe have a band practice to calm me down. I just have to make sure I get it done before my busy day on Sunday. I'll be at church for most of the day.

Oh yeah! One more thing I need to do this weekend is Skates Alive. Today or tomorrow I'm going back to ask about getting my job back. I guess I was technically laid off, but now they have empty possitions at the skate counter. I doubt I'll be lucky enough to get skate gaurd or DJ, but I'd love the chance to work the skate counter and get out of the concession stand. Even though right now, I'd work any job they give me to get my income back. Heres to hopping.

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