Monday, November 16, 2009

A Day in the Life

I decided to start a series of blogs about what I am up to on a daily basis. Ever so often I will post a new part and then by the end of the year I can look back at how things have changed over the year for me.

For instance, lately I have been looking forward to getting the guys over to Jessica's house to play pool with her full size pool table in the garage with some music playing through the computer. I also like hanging out with her family out there too, but the music isn't always as good. I also have fun when we go to McDonalds or Taco Bell after church and hang out for a few hours.

Jessica's family just bought Wii Sports Resort, and it is an awsome game that we build tournaments on for fun ever so often. I just got my job back, and this week I'm working every single shift of every day they are open, leaving today as my only free day, with church and helping Habitate for Humanity get the Christmas Parade float ready.

I'm a very busy person I guess, but I feel really bad lately about not being home. It hits me ever so often just how often I am not home. Today I hope to bring Jessica over for dinner and Lost though. Also my schoolwork is dropping. I checked my grades last week and was farely satisfied to see that with a few improvements, I may get a few more A's on my next report card, but today when I checked, some of those grades have dropped. I have to be more carefull with that, but it will be hard this week. Looks like I won't have much time to rest.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Vet

My Papa served for many years in the Navy Reserve when he was young. He married my grandmother just out of high school when he joined up, and the two of them were able to travel and see amazing things. They brought back suveneirs from different countries including plates, class figurines, and other things.

The truth is, even though my Papa is one of the people I look up to the most in my life as a hero, I never even knew that he had served until recently. It is because of him I began to consider joining the Air Force. He has lived an amazing life, and helps me in mine all the time. I will never forget when I used to spend the night at his house every weekend when I was a kid, and all of the things he helped me learn. Even now he helps me and supports me in life.

In this simple blog, I want to thank him not only for serving, but for the countless things he has done for me thoughout my life.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Implosion and Coffee

I set my alarm clock for 4:45 on Sunday morning so that Jessica, Timmy, Nathan, and I could go down to see The Big E for the last time. We woke up so early because we heard that 10,000 people would show up, and we wanted to be able to see, but when we got there a little after 6:00, there were only a handfull of people in site. Later on more and more showed up and there was a good crowed. The implosion was fun to watch because the elevator shaft survived the blast well.

Afterwords, we walked down to a coffee shop around the corner because they had a deal on there drinks that day. Even though none of us like coffee or anything like that, I found some interesting Jones Soda flavors, and met someone to make it worth while. A woman I hadn't met before stopped me and said she was next to me on the roof of the parking garage during the implosion, and heard that I was in a band. She said that the coffee house did open mic nights and shows, and they were looking for bands. She gave me her email address, and last night I emailed her more about the band, so hopefully there is another show in the near future for us. We are having practice today, and maybe going over acoustic songs we might learn for the show.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Falling Behind

Lately it feels like I've been falling behind. In school, I've been putting off projects later than I should, and I know that its going to affect my grades before long if I'm not careful. I almost didn't get registered for the ACT as planned because I put off filling out that packet, and now I'm not testing with my friends.
I keep telling myself that soon I will find the time to clean out my truck, wash it, and put on a little wax (or at least clean the headlights), and then move in the pick up my room, but its been weeks since I started telling myself that.

Then theres College. I've finally decided what I want to do after high school as far as college and military goes, but sometimes when i look at jessica, I still feel far behind. She recieves at least 5 college papers in the mail each day, has started filling out applications, and has 5 colleges picked out to go too, and is reasearching which dorm to move in. I on the other hadn havn't even decided on a major, don't have any backup colleges to UK, and generally feel like theres something I should be doing that I'm not.

But, today is friday, and I'm gonna be optimistic. I don't have to worry about getting homework done and getting to bed early tonight, and I have the weekend ahead of me now. Hopefully I can use this weekend to get things together, hang out with Jessica, and maybe have a band practice to calm me down. I just have to make sure I get it done before my busy day on Sunday. I'll be at church for most of the day.

Oh yeah! One more thing I need to do this weekend is Skates Alive. Today or tomorrow I'm going back to ask about getting my job back. I guess I was technically laid off, but now they have empty possitions at the skate counter. I doubt I'll be lucky enough to get skate gaurd or DJ, but I'd love the chance to work the skate counter and get out of the concession stand. Even though right now, I'd work any job they give me to get my income back. Heres to hopping.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Worship!! (This time with J.P.)

Well, I've been playing bass guitar for the youth praise band at church since we moved into the new building, and now I'm moving up. Michael (who plays drums for both the youth priase band and the big worship band that plays every sunday morning) told me that J.P. is interested in me joining the line up for what I call the big church band.

I talked to J.P. about it and he said he'd love to have me on, and now I'm scheduled to play this sunday afternoon. I won't play during morning church, but afterwards there is some celebration going on that I get to play at. I guess it is kind of a trail to see if J.P. likes how I play or not. I hear the man is very picky. I can't wait to play with them.

The New Game Plan

Well once again my game plan for life after High School has changed again. After talking with Cheif Smith, I am back to thinking that the Air Force may be my best option.

However this time I also plan to go to college. Cheif Smith told me that it would be very benefitial to get a college education before leaving off for basic training. He recommeneded finding a school with a good Air Force ROTC program, and taking the ROTC classes it has to offer while getting my high school education. I can choose to major and minor in classes that will help my Air Force career.

Because of this, I now plan to go to UK. I havn't decided what to major or minor in yet, but I do like the idea of being able to experience college life before joining the millitary. Timmy and Jessica are also planning on going there. Timmy has all along because of the great Engeneering programs at the school. Jessica is looking forward to it because they have the classes she needs to talke to become an adoption counsoler one day and she won't have to be alone for four years, she can still be around Timmy and I.

Logan's heart is set on going to the Cumberlands, and one day going into ministry I believe. He will be about an hour away from us if that happens, but we won't lose touch. Michael however dreams of going to Murry all the way over near Paducah for their great music programs and a successful marching band. Going there will be difficult, but he will do well in the long run there, but I'll miss him alot.