Sunday, February 28, 2010

555 Days

(Dear Mrs. Mathews. Sorry So Sappy...)
This month held a few special occasions for Jessica and I. First was Valentines Day, which I managed to give Jessica many nice goodies on and take her to see Dear John at Malco. Later on the 21st came our one and a half year anniversary, but we were to broke from Valentines Day to afford another date. We still had fun being together all day though just hanging out. Finally yesterday she calcuated to be 555 days together. I had the last shift of the day off from work, so we went on a date.

We went to Khols so she could help me spend my Christmas gift card (I got 3 new shirts and only had to pay about $2), and then to Beef O'Brady's because Brooke gave me a gift card for there that she had recieved for Christmas and never planned to use. Beef O'Brady's was AMAZING! At first we were worried because it looked like some tiny, cramped, over hyped sports bar kind of place, but it was not. The food was wonderful, and our waitor was awsome. He had a cool Jamiacan looking hat on, and could tell that since we were on a date and ordered a burger and salad that it would be a good idea to split up the food for us. It was a great place to eat, and not all that expensive. I plan to take her there again some day.

We had orignally planned to go see a movie afterwards but decided to just do some more shopping instead. We inded up going to 3 or 4 stores and not buying anything, and then went to my house so that she could play one of her favorite games (SimCity 2000) since she doesn't have a PlayStation at her house. She stayed until about 1:00, and then I had to take her home because I could tell she was so tired she might just pass out soon. It was a pretty nice date though. I always love being able to take her on official dates when I can afford to. I love her so much.

Bellevue Baptist

I've been going to Bellevue Baptist ever since Michael invited me to youth about 2 years ago or so. In that time its become my church. I was not brought up going to any church escept for once or twice a year around Christmas or Easter, but always counted myself as a Christian because I believed. Going to church has truley spiritually developed me in leaps and bounds over the years. I went from knowing maybe just one or two stories to understanding more about God.

Recently Michael struggled with faith, but re-surrendered to Christ, and afterwards I decided to finally sit down and talk to Pastor Greg about my Papa's death a few weeks ago. We ended up talking alot about stuff, including the possibility of me fully becomeing an official member of the church through believers baptism in the future.

As far as the youth goes, When I started attending the youth leader was Terre Jasper. She was pretty great, and always tried hard to make us want to come closer to Christ. However she was given a job offer at another church some time after we moved into the new building. Thus, Jrod was hired. At first I was unsure about him, but he has done some amazing new things with the youth. He gives such great stories, and likes to experiment with more than just a lesson and some music by incorperating new ideas, games, videos, etc into it all. This helps me get a lot more out of it because it seems more personal.

Today was a pretty great day. Everyone is friends again, and although Jessica and Camille both felt a little under the weather, they felt better later on in the day and we all had a good time. I finished my catepult for 3D-art, and the lesson was great during night church. We talked about how simply saying hello to a new person can make a big difference.

The church as been encouraging everybody to go see a new movie out in theaters called "To Save a Life" about a teenager who's old friend takes his own life, and how the event impacts him to not ignore people who others deem "uncool" an tries to save people with the help of a youth minister. My Sunday School teacher decided to treat everyone in my class by inviting us to his house after school Tuesday to hang out and have pizza and then go see the movie. I'm really looking forward to it. I've heard so many things about how great and inspirational the movie is. It seems to have even helped Michael make his decision last week.


Timmy has always been a little bit of a rebel, and so has Camille. They have done a few things that Jessica and I have found questionable, and we let them know that we think they should think more about the consiquences of what they do when they pretend to be snowed in places. Recently Timmy skipped work and his parents found out. Timmy's rebelious side led him to run away from home to prove a point that he thinks he should be independent and able to do whatever he wants. However, Jessica and I needed to make sure he understood that his parents were still paying for most of his insurance, not charging him rent for where he sleeps, and numerous other things. He took it way to far. His father drove all the way to Hawsville looking for him, taking away from the few precious hours of sleep he had before going into work 4th or 5th shift.

I was so mad at him, and so was Jessica. It felt like he had just completely changed from who I knew, and I was seeing him in a different light. His parents tracked him down at school the next day, and after a discussion with them he was actually let of easy (how I do not know). He then called Jessica to ask if he could come over to Taco Monday (when Jessica and I go to my house to eat tacos made by my Mom and watch Lost, our favorite show), but Jessica told him no, and that he wasn't allowed over. We weren't going to reward him for what he did. We kinda ended up grounding him ourselves. After a few days of tension, and he apologizing to us, Jessica had a talk with him to really make him understand how wrong it was, and everyone was able to forgive each other. He promises to understand that things like that hurt us too, and I'm glad to have my friend back, and things back to normal.

Friday, February 12, 2010

In the Newspaper again....sorta

During the snow days, we had to find something to do. Finally on Wednesday night we all (Timmy, Cam, Cam's sister, Nathan, Haley, Sara, Jess, and me) went sledding out on a hill by St. Vincens de Paul. Somebody had built a ramp over to the side that was fun to hit, but after a while we went back to my house to watch Zombieland with my parents. The next day we were out again so decided to grab more boards and go back. The ramp and kinda been destroyed by us the night before and the sun the next day, so we got a shovel to build a new one. While I was building it everyone else started sledding, and a man started taking pictures. Shortly after I finished the ramp he came up to us, and as it would turn out he was the same guy who interviewed us on Black Friday. Timmy, Camille, and her little sister got there pictures in the paper for good wipeouts.

The actual artical features one picture in which you can see Aryanne about to wipeout while going down the hill. Behind one arm is Jessica, with her head blocked by the arm. On the other side is me with the same situation. Next me to is Michael, but he is facing the opposite direction, so Aryanne is the only one you can really see. But still....I'm in it.

Doing Nothing

List of Reason for Doing Nothing Productive:

Snow Days
To much to do
The project is just to big
I'd rather be listening to *insertbandnamehere*
I'd rather play guitar.....alot
"I can't." "Why?" "I got a hot date tonight."