Tuesday, December 15, 2009

P.S.I. songs

P.S.I. is the current unofficial name for my band, and here is a list of songs we know, or hope to learn very soon.

Unholy Confessions - Avenged Sevenfold
Monster - Skillet
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
What I've Done - Linkin Park
Everlong - Foo Fighters
Twist and Shout - The Beetles
The Last Night - Skillet
Bring Me to Life - Evanescence

We also have a few bands that we will pick a song to cover.

Anberlin - Paperthin Hymn or Feel Good Drag
Paramore - That's What You Get or Born for This or Decode
Flyleaf - Beautiful Bride or I'm So Sick or a number of other possibilities
All-American Rejects - Move Along or Dirty Little Secret or Another Heart Calls
Green Day - American Idiot or Holiday or Boulevard of Broken Dreams or (most probable) 21 Guns.

We also have 4 original songs nearing completion. Ideas 1-3 (3 needs a new ending) and one with a working title called The Hey Song that needs tweaking.

I'd also personally would like to learn The Rock Show by Blink 182, and a Sum 41 song as well as a song for Jessica, probably a Blue October song or some other favorite of hers like Hey Soul Sister that would be simple enough to learn. On another side note I had a chance to hear our new singer singing Nine in the Afternoon by PANIC! at the Disco on Rock Band the other day and was impressed, so I may look into it as a possibility. Heck, if she can do the sreams in Unholy Confessions well, and we feel like getting some more metal, Michael and I might bring up What's Your HTML Dude? (HTML Rulz D00d and Hey, John, What's Your Name Again? by The Devil Wears Prada) for a cover. Not my kind of music, but soooo much fun to play when you know it.

We hope to get practices going again very soon since Christmas break is comming up. We may practice this friday afternoon, and likley as often as possible over the break. Hopefully Camielle will be able to come and we can decide which songs to focus on and help her to learn the songs we already know. If possible, I might teach Jessica a piano part in The Last Night by Skillet. It could be exciting if she could play with us. To bad I don't have a keytar for her though. :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Still Behind

I was starting to get caught up with everything, and looking to finish a few homework assignments before I started working on Christmas stuff and college applications, but then I got sick. It was only 2-3 days last week, but it was enough to set me back to feel behind again. I have to get my make up homework done along with the homework that I just got, and Christmas is literally around the corner. After next week I'm on break.
I guess then I won't have to worry about school, and maybe I can see about college and christmas. I have major shopping to do for everyone, and still need to finish developing my list. My Mom has been constantly bugging me for weeks to look up a guitar pedal I want so she knows what to get, and I'm hopping for a great mp3 player or Zune.
But everytime I start to think about these kindso f things they seem so trivial and unimportant when my grades are slipping so much and I need to apply to UK NOW.

Monday, December 7, 2009

We Were First.

Timmy decided that to celebrate Black Friday this year, he wanted to grab a few friends and go camp out somewhere and be the first one in the store....at Target. He recruited his brother Nathan, Jessica and Me to go with him, and we all headed over to Target at 9:30 on Thanksgiving night without even having any ideas about what we wanted to buy once we got in. We talked abut buying a candy bar, and maybe seeing if they had any nice t-shirts, and I had been meaning to go buy a slinky for a while.

It wasn't until 11:00 until anyone else showed up in line, and even longer before you could really call it a line. It was cold. I was colder than I ever ended up during the ice storm last year. We had a small tent we all squeezed into with a few blankets and coats, and played some music off of Timmy's PSP.

About an hour before open, I was feeling sick I was so cold, but that was when the paper showed up and interviewed us. That was the inspiration to make the last leg of the night, and then

In the end we got the candy, I got a shirt and slinky, and picked up Jessica some stickers. By then the line to check out had lapped around the store literally to the electronics department. I didn't get home till almost 8:00 in the morning, and then slept before I had to go to work. It was a few days before I started to feel well again. I guess I don't do well with all nighters, but we were first.

Rug Burn

It's been a while since I've blogged, and I'm falling behind, but I've done plenty to make up with it. I'll start off with something simple and light harted.

Last night was my church's youth Christmas party. It was actually mexican themed (with a pinata and tacos) because of the shoeboxes. They asked anyone willing to take an old shoebox and fill it with small presents for a child in Juareze Mexico as a Christmas present. I had to work so I gave Timmy and Camielle some money to go off before the party and fill up one of Timmy's size 15 boxes.

An unfortunate high point of the party was the pinata. I didn't get a chance to hit it, but when it busted, I was one of the ones to jump in for candy. I wanted a Reese's and a Kit-Kat. However, Logan thought it would be funny to grab my legs and drag me out from the mad scramble. Let me inform you that the carpet in the room has a lot of rough little fibers in it. The fibers held on to my shirt while my body was dragged, leaving what looked like sun burn all over my stomach that still stings if I touch it wrong. I later also found carpet burn on my wrist and right elbow. It was kinda painfull.

The party was still fun though. I didn't get a chance to hang out with the guys afterwards, but I needed to get home for some homework anyways.