Monday, September 28, 2009


Yesterday I spent a lot of time at church. I went in the morning for the monring service and sunday school. Michael was asked at the begenning of the month to prepare, write, and perform a drum arangement of trash cans for the end of summer celebration for the elementary school children. He asked me to help and a few days before we spent an hour or so working out some beats to play.

After sunday school they invited us to a free lunch of chinese food as a thank you for helping them out and being involved. After lunch we rehearsed the beats and breakdowns and then relaxed in the conferance room with Timmy and Logan, watching videos, making jokes, talking about the band, and other stuff until we played.

When we performed, I messed up one time only, but the rest of it was a success and the audience loved us. When we were done we headed to the youth room to prepare for praise band practice, which was delayed by technical difficulites.

Once we finally got practice off the ground however we had some great songs lined up to play. I was especially happy since the songs had important bass riffs for me, and one even had something of a solo that was realy fun to play with. All and all it was a good day, but there was one bad thing about it all. Jessica had to spend the day at home and I missed her alot. When I was finally done at church though, I got a chance to spend some time with her, take her to wal-mart, and hunt down her dog when he decided to take off down the street.

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