Friday, October 16, 2009

Benro Bash '09!

Well its a little late comming, but last weekend was the big weekend in Nashville. Jessica, Timmy, Logan, and I all headed down for our first show ever. We played 7 songs, and did ok for no warm up before hand. We had the drummer from Paradise Daze (my cousin's band) drum for us, even though he didn't know the songs. We had him listen through the setlist once before we went on, but he had only ever heard of one of them before. We made a lot of simple mistakes that kinda drove me nuts, but the key is not showing it. The audience didn't know the songs well, so as long as you sell the mistake and keep rockin' they love you, and they did. Everyone said we were awsome concidering we had maybe a month of practice and it was our first time.

The drive down and back was interesting too. On the way down Timmy got a semi-truck to honk his horn, but on the way down I ended up carsick in a back of potato chips. But anyway, the party was fun. We all were pyro and played with the barn fire some and had a really great time. I can't wait for another chance to do something like that.

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