Friday, October 16, 2009

Benro Bash '09!

Well its a little late comming, but last weekend was the big weekend in Nashville. Jessica, Timmy, Logan, and I all headed down for our first show ever. We played 7 songs, and did ok for no warm up before hand. We had the drummer from Paradise Daze (my cousin's band) drum for us, even though he didn't know the songs. We had him listen through the setlist once before we went on, but he had only ever heard of one of them before. We made a lot of simple mistakes that kinda drove me nuts, but the key is not showing it. The audience didn't know the songs well, so as long as you sell the mistake and keep rockin' they love you, and they did. Everyone said we were awsome concidering we had maybe a month of practice and it was our first time.

The drive down and back was interesting too. On the way down Timmy got a semi-truck to honk his horn, but on the way down I ended up carsick in a back of potato chips. But anyway, the party was fun. We all were pyro and played with the barn fire some and had a really great time. I can't wait for another chance to do something like that.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

In the Navy?

Yesterday I sat down with a navy representative who talked to me about a scholarship available for students interested in joining the Navy. its funny when I think about it. All my life I NEVER imagined myself to be the type of person to end up joinging the military in any way. I never thought of myself as a military fighter or that they would have any other job for me what so ever. However since about mid summer after talking with my papa, (a retired Aire Force Reserve member) I have been contimplaiting it. I don't have any other ideas about what I might like to do with my life. Other than music, I have no great passions that could lead into a successful, steady career, which is what I really want.

Up until now I assumed I wanted to do Air Force after high school, but talking to him made me stop to think about it more. I understand that each branch of the military thinks that they are superior in some way to the others, so when he compared the navy with the air force he made the Navy sound better because that is his job, but he did a good job of it. I could go to college learning about the navy and the job I will do for them, and then college and be garunteed a job, and have a chance to travel the world for a few years before settling down in the reserve. Today I am taking a practice test afterschool at the local recruitment center. Any recuriter for any branch of military I speak to will ask me about my scores on this test so I hope I do well and learn something from it.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Eagle Spirite '09

I've decided to go all out for Apollo Eagle Spirit day this year. I even dyed my hair blue and white for school. Later on I plan on putting it in a mohawk and dying it again for the big DC game.

Yesterday I stayed out late to work on decorating my truck for the contest today before the game. I had Jessica's dad help come up with ideas since I saw pictures of how he had second place when he was a senior. However I'm going to go beyond for first place. Last night we didn't get all of it on, and some of it washed off over night, but today we are foing to finish putting on some lights, numbers, stars, ribbons, and such stuff.